Wednesday, February 6, 2013


With only 16 weeks, time management will be crucial to the successful completion of my project. As a tool to manage the overall timeline of my project, I have posted the Gantt Chart I will be regularly updating and following. As a spreadsheet nerd, I implemented this chart in Google Drive using lots (and lots) of formulas (see below for some of my favorites).

As I add applications to implement and receive bug reports, I will maintain the gantt chart to reflect my deadlines. On days I post content-oriented blog posts, I will link to that post from the gantt chart. I have added the first steps for my project in the coming weeks pertaining to research, the framework, and porting over existing applications.

My favorite formulas:

To calculate the average completion of a major task (grey rows):

To display the letters for the days of the month:
=if(NETWORKDAYS(DATE(YEAR(G4), MONTH(G4), 1), G4) <= LEN(text(G4,"MMMM")),right(left(text(G4,"MMMM"), NETWORKDAYS(DATE(YEAR(G4), MONTH(G4), 1), G4)),1),"")

To display the dates of weekdays:
=IF(NETWORKDAYS(L4+1,L4+1), L4+1, L4+3)

To color a cell in the calendar (grey is pending, yellow/blue is complete for major/minor tasks rkespectively, red is behind schedule and not complete):
=if(AND((K$4>=$B5),(K$4<=$C5)),if((ROUNDDOWN($E5*$D5)<=(K$4-$B5)), IF(TODAY() >= K$4, "Z", "X"), "Y"),"")

Stay tuned for a project name as I look to register a domain name in the coming days!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's quite fitting that you used such an engineering oriented planning format for your long term plans. I know how much you love Gantt charts, but to see the inner workings of this supercomplex, customized spreadsheet is quite the thrill. It almost makes me want to use it for my own project.
