Works Cited

Bangura, Karim, Abdul.. "African Fractals: Modern Computing and Idigenous Design." Journal of Third World Studies 1(2001):237. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. This source details traditional art which can be replicated using fractal algorithms in the applications provided in my suite.
Belmonte, Nicolas G. "Animating Isosurfaces with WebGL and Workers." Animating Isosurfaces with WebGL and Workers. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. A tutorial on creating geometery in JavaScript workers and displaying them in WebGL, this is a reference for the WebGL systems I am implementing.
"Chaos & Fractals." Chaos & Fractals. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Mathematical overviews of a range of topics in fractals and chaos will provide a technical background for my implementations and explanations.
"Chaos and Fractals: A Search for Order." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. A resource about basic fractal theory this will help my initial research into the field.
Designating, Drawing and Colorizing Generated Images by Computer. Peter L. Van Roy, assignee. Patent 5,831,633. 3 Nov. 1998. Print. A patent granted to my interviewee, this details a process which is to be used heavily in my Fractasketch application.
Dewdney, A.K. "Exploring Fractals." Science Probe!. Oct. 1991: 49+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 05 Feb 2013. An in-depth and technical summary of fractals, Mandelbrot Sets, and more, this will be a foundation of my introduction.
"fractal Geometry." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, v 3.0. 2009. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. The encyclopedic definition of a fractal.
"fractal." Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia. 2005. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. The encyclopedic definition of a fractal.
Gedzelman, Stanley David. "Chaos Rules." Weatherwise. Aug./Sept. 1994: 21-26. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 05 Feb 2013. This source contains overviews of most of the major topics that will be addressed by my software. The summaries of the topics I provide will be based in part on this article.
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Viking, 1987. Print. A book written for a lay man or a hobbiest, this provides a good starting point in my own understanding and basis for my textual lessons provided with each piece of software.
"HTML5 Web Workers." HTML5 Web Workers. W3schools, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. A step I need to take to update my previously-written programs, and to incorporate in my future apps, the use of Javascript Workers is integral to the speed of my applications.
"It's the Web. You Drive." Mozilla Developer Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. A hub for HTML5 resources of all kinds, MDN is a first stop when problems or questions are encountered.
John, E. Hanna. "Feigenbaum Diagrams--Adding Order to Chaos!" The Mathematics Teacher 94.6 (2001): 510-2. ProQuest Discovery. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. This source explains the Feigenbaum plot - the topic of one of my applications.
"Mandelbrot, Benoit B (1924- )." Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia. 2005. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. A short biography of Dr. Mandelbrot, a summary of this article will provide appropriate tribute to Mandelbrot's contributions to the field of fractals.
Mandelbrot, Benoit B., and Carl J. G. Evertsz. Fractals and Chaos: The Mandelbrot Set and beyond. New York, NY [u.a.: Springer, 2004. Print. Written by Benoit Mandelbrot, the founder of fractals, this book includes papers written on fractals and applications of fractals to other disciplines.
Matthews, Robert. "Finding the Fractal Solution." Focus (U.K.) (London, England). July 1995: 62-65. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 05 Feb 2013. Applications of fractals broken down by topic, this source will be used when writing lessons corresponding to each application.
McCauley, Joseph L. Chaos, Dynamics, and Fractals: An Algorithmic Approach to Deterministic Chaos. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. Print. This book details deterministic algorithms used to generate fractals and chaos.,
Mendelson, Jonathan, and Elana Blumenthal. "Chaos Theory and Fractals." Chaos Theory and Fractals. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. An extremely broad range of topics relating to fractals and chaos, this source provides a set of topics I may cover and basic information to get me started researching them.
Mendivil, Franklin. "Fractals, Graphs, and Fields." American Mathematical Monthly 6(2003):503. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. A mathematical explanation of fractals and corresponding notation, this is a good benchmark of my understanding of the topic and a reference as I create my own algorithms.
Naylor, Michael. "Fractal Fraction Fun." Teaching Pre K - 8. 01 Mar. 2005: 33. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Geared toward children, this article has activities that create tangible learning tools, good for introductory information about fractals.
Peitgen, Hans-Otto, Rudolph Dietmar, Saupe, Heinz Otto, and Hartmut Juergens. Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science. 2nd ed. Verlag New York: Springer, 2004. Print. An intermediate level exploration of fractals and chaos, this book also offers Java applications to aid in explanations.
Pinoni, Francesca. "Fractals, Anyone?." U.S. Kids. 01 Jun. 2000: 14. ELibrary. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Geared toward children, this article has activities that create tangible learning tools, good for introductory information about fractals.
"Raw WebGL 101 - Part 3: Advanced Shader." Recent Articles RSS 20. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. The Mandelbrot set is used as an example for creating WebGL based canvases - which is one of my projects. I followed this guide closely (before adding my own features.)
Reischuk, Raphael, Johannes Gehrke, and Michael Backes. "SAFE." Activation Framework for Extensibility. Cornell University, University of Saarland, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. An advanced web framework, SAFE will be the framework of my website.
"Sequences 10: Fractals and Chaos." YouTube. YouTube, 25 May 2009. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. A series of videos about fractals and chaos, this can either be embedded in my website or used as a learning resource for myself.
"Two Lessons from Fractals and Chaos." Two Lessons from Fractals and Chaos. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Many points outlined here follow the course taught by Mr. Drix closely providing a resource with which his students can connect while using my software if provided in some form.
"Using Web Workers." Mozilla Developer Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. A step I need to take to update my previously-written programs, and to incorporate in my future apps, the use of Javascript Workers is integral to the speed of my applications.
Valigra, Lori. "Beyond Dotty Images: How Computers Paint." Christian Science Monitor. 04 Jun 1998: N.p. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 05 Feb 2013. Particularly useful for fractal applications, this will help write the introductory landing page for my website.
Van Roy, Marie-Therese. "FS 2.0 Manual." FS 2.0 Manual. Dynamic Software, 1997. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. The manual of the first application I plan to emulate, this will guide the features I implement.
Van Roy, Peter. "Peter Van Roy - Fractasketch." Online interview. 2 Jan. 13. See "Peter Van Roy - Interview 1"
Vaughen, Christopher S. "Introduction to Fractals and Chaos Theory." Fractals and Chaos Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. Information on Juia and Mandelbrot sets is presented in the context of other related topics which intersect with those covered by my suite. I will unify the various aspects of my suite using the outlined connections.
"WebGL 101." YouTube. YouTube, 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. An Introduction to WebGL, this is a great starting place for learning a new language.
Wolfram, Stephen. A New Kind of Science. Champaign, IL: Wolfram Media, 2002. Print. A well-known and regarded set of connections between fractals, chaos, and modern science are published by Wolfram in this book.

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