Monday, April 8, 2013

Tweaks and Quirks

While I work on the Fractal Canvas app, I am continuing to tweak Iterative Canvas.

When I work at home, I have my laptop's 17.3" screen and a 22" display connected. I test all of the apps I create on this setup, which leads to some quirks sometimes. For example, the Iterative Canvas controls all fit fine (with plenty of room to spare) on my screens, but when people viewed the app on school computers they found that the controls were too wide for the screen and that it was difficult to see the controls and the canvas at the same time. I have tweaked a few things to minimize the screen real estate the controls take up, hopefully bettering the experience of users.

Down the road, I might make the controls a drawer on the canvas, so you hover your mouse on the top or right side of the canvas, the controls slide out, you change what you like, and then when you hit 'Go' the controls slide back in. This will take some thought though, since it might be inconvenient at times.

But thats later to come.

One of the comments I have gotten several times has been "Can you explain the Fractals and Chaos behind the app?" -- In previous posts I have struggled with explaining what is going on in big chunks of text. For several reasons, those walls of information are less than ideal - not the least of which is that presented to me I certainly would not read it! One idea I got from a friend is to make videos. I need to explore this a little more, but I am thinking it would be very cool to make 1 minute videos explaining what is going on in apps. These are much more friendly to consume, and allow me to present the ideas verbally - a medium with which I am far more familiar.


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