Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happiness Revisited

What makes me happy? Even before reading the article, I could have told you I am happy when I'm "in the zone" or in "flow". When I settle on a project or activity, and I am in the middle of working on just that I am happy. What that particular occupation is has some impact, but isn't a common feature of fun activities.

Happiness Revisited confirms that notion of happiness. It goes further to say that "flow" exists in a 'sweet spot' combination of challenge and skills. My WISE project, along with most of my endeavours, exist in a self-mediated flow, in a modern buffer that meets challenges with the internet. I take on projects that ideally I have little idea how to accomplish. I like learning on the fly, whether in programming fractals apps or in building a CNC plasma cutter. The development of fractalcanvas falls under this category - every step of the way involves learning new things, becoming more skilled, and arriving at another challenge.


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