With only 16 weeks, time management will be crucial to the successful completion of my project. As a tool to manage the overall timeline of my project, I have posted the
Gantt Chart I will be regularly updating and following. As a spreadsheet nerd, I implemented this chart in Google Drive using lots (and lots) of formulas (see below for some of my favorites).
As I add applications to implement and receive bug reports, I will maintain the gantt chart to reflect my deadlines. On days I post content-oriented blog posts, I will link to that post from the gantt chart. I have added the first steps for my project in the coming weeks pertaining to research, the framework, and porting over existing applications.
My favorite formulas:
To calculate the average completion of a major task (grey rows):
To display the letters for the days of the month:
=if(NETWORKDAYS(DATE(YEAR(G4), MONTH(G4), 1), G4) <= LEN(text(G4,"MMMM")),right(left(text(G4,"MMMM"), NETWORKDAYS(DATE(YEAR(G4), MONTH(G4), 1), G4)),1),"")
To display the dates of weekdays:
=IF(NETWORKDAYS(L4+1,L4+1), L4+1, L4+3)
To color a cell in the calendar (grey is pending, yellow/blue is complete for major/minor tasks rkespectively, red is behind schedule and not complete):
=if(AND((K$4>=$B5),(K$4<=$C5)),if((ROUNDDOWN($E5*$D5)<=(K$4-$B5)), IF(TODAY() >= K$4, "Z", "X"), "Y"),"")
Stay tuned for a project name as I look to register a domain name in the coming days!